Connect & Grow Magazine - Edition 9, May - June 2024

Meet Julie Mundy
Julie is the author of The Bare Naked Truths.
I recently purchased this book after meeting Julie and listening to her reasons for writing it. She is passionate about the work she does, working with women whose children have started school and who are feeling a little lost—you know, that feeling of where to now!
Writing and releasing books into the world beyond one's inner circle can be challenging.
This is why we have a book corner; we want to bring you a variety.
Reading Julie’s book, I had tears running down my face as I laughed at the stories in the book.
About Julie
So, who is Julie Mundy and what exactly is her passion and love in life and behind this book?
Julie is the author of "The Bare Naked Truths" and is passionate about sharing authentic stories that resonate with mothers everywhere. Through her writing and speaking engagements, I aim to create a supportive community where mothers can find solace, inspiration, and empowerment. When Julie shared that with me, her eyes lit up; you could see the passion within her.

I am always interested in the story behind why a person writes a book.
Sometimes, the writer's reason and goal are different from the reader's experience; the reader often gets even more from a book than the author expects.
Why did you write the book? What was your why/reason?
As I do with all the authors we share here, I ask them a few different questions.
Why did you write the book? What was your why/reason?
I wrote "The Bare Naked Truths" to shed light on the real, raw experiences of motherhood that often go unspoken. I wanted to create a space where mothers could feel seen, heard, and understood, free from the pressure of perfection.
Who is this book written for, your ideal reader?
My ideal readers are mothers at any stage of their parenting journey who crave authenticity and connection. Whether they're expecting their first child, knee-deep in the trenches of motherhood, or navigating the challenges of empty nesting, this book offers valuable insights and companionship.
Why should someone purchase this book?

This book offers a refreshing and honest perspective on motherhood, delving into the highs, lows, and everything in between. It's a reassuring companion for mothers navigating the complexities of parenthood, offering validation, empathy, and solidarity.
Is there anything else you would like us to know?
I hope that readers find comfort, inspiration, and a sense of camaraderie within the pages of "The Bare Naked Truths." Motherhood is a journey filled with joys and struggles, and my goal is to remind mothers that they're not alone.
You can purchase Julie’s book here:
The Bare Naked Truths is available on Amazon
As you can see, writing a book can bring so much value to people. It can be a gift to so many people.
Written by Jacqui Grant
(C) 2024 Break Free Consultancy Connect and Grow Magazine
Disclaimer: All information is correct at the time of publication and is general