Connect and Grow Magazine: Edition 12 August - September 2024
When it comes to the change of season and seeing the sunshine even more, the new flowers blossoming can help us feel even happier within ourselves, seeing the positivity of life, even if we are facing challenges.
If you are going through a change in your life, whether it is a change that you have created yourself or something that is a result of a change in circumstances, such as a job or relationship, when the choice and power were not yours but the result of a decision by someone else, however, is how you respond or react to this situation of change is YOURS.
When you are not the one who has decided on the change, it can take some time to come to terms with these changes. It is essential to be patient with yourself and know that a range of emotions and thoughts will arise. Understanding that professionals can support you through these emotions and thoughts is essential.
If the choice of change is YOURS and a decision that you have made for your life, you will start to release some layers, like removing some of the warmer layers during winter; you will begin to feel lighter as you let go of what you no longer require.
This can also be done in business.
As has been shared in other magazine editions, change is constant, and there are times of the year for growth and different times for rest and rejuvenation. The foods that are naturally available in your area at each time of the year also show you what you and your body require at that moment in time; Kathy Ashton and I talked about that in our recent podcast, which you can listen to here:
Releasing what is no longer serving you can be empowering!
The more you can embrace yourself, the happier you will be. I can lead to more success in your life, in every aspect of your life, including your health, fitness, and well-being.
We are all individuals, and we enjoy different things. We each have our unique way of responding to stress, and when things are going well, we each enjoy different activities and communicate in various ways.
to pay the amount asked
So, as you experience the changes of the season and the changes in your life, know that as you let go of something, such as a job, relationship, stress, or situation, you have the opportunity to replace that thing or situation with something else, or the universe/life will fill that gap for you. It should be your choice, as it is your life, and you should embrace and celebrate that you have a choice.
In so many aspects of life, choice is not as available as we would like it to be. For example, we have no choice about the price of food; however, we do have the choice of whether we will pay the amount asked or not.
Keep being you and keep celebrating you and what makes you the amazing, unique person that you are.
Welcome change and choice in your life, and know that as you are going through any transformation in your life, there will be times of rest and time of activity, like the caterpillar becoming the butterfly, new and different opportunities will open up for you.
Written by Jacqui Grant

(C) Break Free Consultancy 2024
Disclaimer: Information is accurate at the time of publication and subject to change