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  • Writer's pictureJacqui Grant

NDIS – Confusion and Stress!

Connect & Grow Magazine - Edition 10 June - July 2024

We delayed the magazine release to hopefully bring some answers, but things are not much clearer at this moment in time. However, I will share what we do know!

We waited until the 20th of June to hear what the Senate Community Affairs Legislation committee had to say, but it has created more stress and anxiety for others

"Getting NDIS back on track" legislation. The Senate has provided a report, as they were to by June 20th 2024, and more shortly. Let's start with a bit of fun and celebration.


We also had an incredible event on June 20, 2024, in Doncaster. 26 providers connected with nearly 200 attendees throughout the day. A huge thank you to Activate Allied Health for sponsoring that event.


So, let's talk about NDIS changes. Some things are happening right now, such as the proposed changes, and then there is what is happening. We are still seeing thousands of people waiting for funding and new plans. Many need more support because they need more core funding, and with plan reviews still taking over 6 months, many feel like they need help. When they get their plans, especially those with no support coordinator, they find their plan funding cut in half.



I am seeing and hearing from many providers looking to sell their Businesses because they are struggling to grow. Sometimes, the cost of paying staff is far greater than what comes in as things change. Some businesses have tried to grow fast but stepping back to basics costs too much to keep going.



Getting the NDIS back on track Legislation


On the 20th of June 2024, the senate committee wrote their report on the Getting the NDIS Back on Track legislation. After reading all 115 pages, what I will stick to is the recommendations:


Recommendation 1


2.150 The committee recommends the bill include amendments so that the First Ministers are also recognised as Ministers for Category A Rulemaking.


There are a lot of points in this recommendation; however, to give you an overview, here are a couple of them:

•           Co-design

•           Development of co-design legislation instruments.

•           Transparency as part of co-design and the outcome of consultations.

On page 72 of the report, you can read the full details.



Recommendation 2

2.158 The committee recommends that a consultation statement be tabled accompanying the legislative instrument that sets out consultations undertaken.


This recommendation includes:

•           Definitions of NDIS supports.

•           Development of transitional rules to define NDIS supports and make a public draft of the transitional rules.

•           New need assessment will determine the level of needs, supports, and consistency in participants' plan budgets.

•           Needs assessment outcome is provided to the participants.

•           Participants provide to review.

•           CEO powers—This will define the CEO of the NDIA with a range of powers. There is a lot more to this, which you can read on page 74 of the committee report.


Recommendation 3


2.175 The committee recommends that the Australian Government clarify further the circumstances under which the additional powers granted to the National Disability Insurance Agency Chief Executive Officer will be used.


•           The committee agrees that the NDIS needs to get back on track, and they have mentioned in their report that they are addressing the priority recommendations from the NDIS review.

•           They have recommended prompt passing is necessary to restore "certainty and sustainability for participants and their providers and to tackle fraudulent practices."


Recommendation 4


2.178 Subject to the above recommendations, the committee recommends that the bill be passed.


We are now waiting to see the response to the above recommendations.

Link to the full committee report:


We also know that the task force for provider registration is being provided to Hon. Bill Shorten, and we anticipate hearing more in July 2024. 


We shall wait and see. The government has yet to make official statements regarding anything, only that the NDIS is not working as it should, as there is a call for oversights over Business and more accountability.


We know that more unregistered providers are being checked for business compliance.


I have put together a resource bundle for NDIS businesses: lifetime access. We will update the information and changes in that bundle as things change to support you as a business.

The investment is $99.00 including GST


To access the bundle: Disability business resources.



As part of being a provider and a business, it's essential to understand the complexity of Business and check in on the health and wellbeing of your Business. We have a small eBook on this topic, and it is a service we offer: Health and Wellbeing Check in on YOUR Business.


Investment is $6.59, including GST




If you are a participant and worried, please get in touch with your support coordinator or local area coordinator. If you are waiting for a plan review, keep contacting NDIA. If you have found you are struggling, please seek help and support from the right people; this may include doctors, hospitals, or your specialists.

You can also lodge a complaint; feedback is important for all businesses, and the NDIS is now different. Currently, on their website, they have a form for feedback.



Introductory call about our services:


Written by Jacqui Grant


(C) 2024 Break Free Consultancy, Connect and Grow magazine

Disclaimer: All information is accurate at the time of publication and is subject to change. Always check in at the NDIS for the most up to date information.



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