Connect & Grow Magazine: Edition 12 August - September 2024
Life feels so much better when you are organized!

With the changing seasons, it’s nice to clear out the old and make way for the new. Do a declutter, a spring clean, and let go of what we don’t need or don’t work for us anymore. It’s also a chance to think about what we’d like to create space for and invite into our lives.
Where would you like more space in your life or work? What could you clear out? What would you like to invite in?
It may relate to:
• your physical space if you feel to the urge to clean up, sort out and declutter your things
• Make more time in your day or calendar to rest or do things that you enjoy
• deleting tasks in your ‘to do’ list that you don’t need to do
• reducing any mental clutter by writing down your thoughts or sharing your worries with someone else
• getting support to release emotional baggage or unhelpful habits, beliefs, and expectations.
Start small with something easy at first.
Focusing on what you want to bring into your life is helpful. Then, it’s easier to let go of what doesn’t match what you want.
Physical decluttering lets us change our outer world to reflect how we want to feel on the inside.

For instance, if you want to feel calmer and more peaceful, where can you create a calming and peaceful space in your home?
Declutter with thoughtfulness. Hold your intention as you sort through your things. Give appreciation for your things and how they’ve served you well, even if you don’t need them anymore.
As you declutter, you can repeat statements to yourself such as, "As I clear this out, I'm opening space and allowing more _____ into my life."
Imagine and think about the positive future that you’re creating.
We can also clear out and release what no longer serves us in a more symbolical way with a closing ritual.
Researchers have found that practising rituals reduces stress and anxiety by giving our brains a sense of control. Rituals help to create order in our lives. A closing ritual can help us symbolically close a chapter and create a more solid foundation before moving into a new phase.
The key is to undertake the closing activity with intent and meaning.
My go-to approach is to write a list on paper of everything you want to let go of. Rip or scrunch up the paper and release everything you've written down as you throw the paper into the bin or recycling. Finish off by dusting your hands or washing them with soap. Hopefully, you feel a sense of release afterwards.
The invitation to declutter and clear out isn’t about making drastic changes. Instead, do things gently and with ease. Do what you can, when you can. Every step forward is progress. This allows you to become more comfortable with the change, receive its benefits and be willing to take further action.
Written by Natalia Walker
Natalia is available for consultations.

(C) Break Free Consultancy 2024
Disclaimer: All information is accurate at the time of publication and subject to change.