Connect and Grow Magazine - Edition 7 - March 2024
Natalia has written another great article focusing on preparing for change. This article matches our feature article.

With the right mindset, you can create change!
Our ability to successfully change is affected by many factors. Having a supportive mindset is one of them. Here are three things to consider when planning a change:
1. Your expectations
Do you think you can make this change?
Rate how possible it is for you out of 10.
Anything 7 or below suggests that you’d benefit from reducing the scope of your change for the moment. Increase your goal once you show yourself that it’s possible for you to make smaller changes in the direction of your bigger goal. Refer to January’s Connect and Grow Wellbeing article on how to create sustainable change using small steps.

Seek support from people who believe you can make this change (especially if your rating was at 4 or below). Eventually, you will see that you can do it too.
2. Your willingness to change
Sometimes we want to make a change, but subconsciously, we’re not ready. We procrastinate, find excuses or hold ourselves back from making the change.
Willpower is not enough to sustain change. If we push ourselves into action when we’re not ready, we’re more likely to revert to past behaviours.
Here are some example belief statements about our readiness to change:
I am open to [making this change].
I am willing to [make this change].
I allow myself to [make this change].
I am ready to [make this change].
It is safe and ok for me to [make this change].
I deserve to [make this change].
I expect to [make this change].
I am [making this change].
Test out your readiness for change by replacing the bracketed parts of the above statements with your intended change. As you read through each statement, check how your body feels. Our bodies don’t lie. (See my video on how to read your body’s signals).
Which statements feel good and strong in your body?
Are there any statements where you feel discomfort or stress in your body?
If so, this indicates there are some subconscious blocks around your desired change.
In any case, acknowledge where you are. This is your starting point. There’s nothing to be gained by shaming yourself into taking action you’re not ready to take. Find support to help you bridge the gap to the next level of willingness and strengthen your chance for success.
3. Your self-talk
Change can be uncomfortable. We’re more likely to succeed when we support and treat ourselves with kindness, especially through our self-talk about ourselves and our progress.
Display positive reminders where they’re easy for you to see, such as:
I can do this.
I’ve successfully made changes before.
I don’t have to do it all at once.
Asking for help is ok.
Making a change can feel uncomfortable. If you really want what’s on the other side, first, set yourself up with a supportive mindset. Align your expectations and willingness to change so you build up your belief in yourself as you take action. You can do this.
Written by Natalia Walker
Natalia is available for consultations.
(C) 2024 Break Free Consultancy Connect and Grow Magazine 2024
Disclaimer: All information is correct at the time of publication. Always seek input from a professional to discuss your specific requirements. This information is general in nature.