This bundle includes over 35 templates for forms for your business and over 40 Policies and Procedures templates ready for you to adapt for your business; they are NOT completed documents. The information in these is there for a reference for you to work with, and it is YOUR responsibility to ensure that they represent your business correctly.
These are based on Best Practice guidelines.
There is a policy and procedure manual that is an example of how yours can look. You can add and remove policies and proceduresto represent your business properly.
Includes Build a Successful Disability Business eBook
Perfect for those starting out and for those expanding.
Guide to policies and procedures and other resources for your business
The complete list is:
A service agreement, Authority to act as an advocate, Consent form, risk assessment, risk register, incident form, incident investigation form, incident report, incident register, progress notes, support plan/care plan, medication chart, third party consent form, invoice, mileage template, timesheet, business plan, swot analysis, the behaviour of concern, continuous improvement, business contingency plan, falls risk assessment, feedback, emergency evacuation plan, hazard form, hazard register, manual handling form, manual handling register, meet and greet form, participant intake form, marketing plan and checklist, participant database spreadsheet. Pre-home visit risk assessment, seizure management
Policies and procedures
Aboriginal and Torres strait islander
Access to services
Behaviors of concern
Code of conduct
Complaints and feedback
Conflict of interest
Continuity of services
Covid 19
Documentation and communication
Dress code
Duty of care
Food Handling
Hand hygiene
Independence and Informed choice
Individual values and beliefs
Information management
Management of waste
Mealtime management
Medication Management
No smoking
Participant consent
Participant continuous improvement
Privacy and dignity
Quality Management
Receiving gifts
Reportable incidents, accidents and emergencies
Responsive Support provision
Risk Management
Safe environment
Service agreement
Social media
Support planning
Timesheet/ Support log
Transition or exit of services
Transport and travel
Work Health and safety
Working with Children
Zero tolerance.
HR documents - Staff performance, onboarding documents (except for staffing contracts)
Whilst a comprehensive list, you may find your specific business may requre additional documents.
These are templates to adapt to suit to your business needs, each business is different therefore it is important you adapt these templates to represent your business.
We encourage you to save onto a USB, downloadable link active for 30 days from the date of purchase.
Digital documents are non-refundable.
Disclaimer: Given these are templates and do require adapting to suit the individual/business and to meet the individual/business specific needs, they do become the responsibility and ownership of the person/business. It is the responsibility of the person/business to ensure that they have the correct legislation and the most up-to-date acts/legislation to meet compliance requirements for their business.
Implementation and use of these documents, policies, and procedures are the responsibility of the individual/business who purchased them from the date of purchase.
We cannot guarantee they will pass the audit as you adapt these generic templates.
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SKU: BPCBundle
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